onsdag 27. februar 2008


Nothing to wake you up in the middle of the night as an earthquake. I was soundly sleeping at 00.58 as I found myself bouncing in the bed. Still drowsy from my sleep I did not realise what was going on as I have never experienced an earthquake before. Now, half an hour later, I'm still awake. Guess I got a little upset by my new experience as I realised it really is not much one can do as the earth shivers. Looking forward to check the news tomorrow to find the strenght of it. My bet would be around 3.5 on the richter scale =)

Edit: According to the British Geological Survey, the quake had a magnitude of 5.2 on the richter scale which . The epicenter of it was approximately 137 km from Coventry and it was the most powerful uk earthquake since 1984. Stories about it from BBC and IC Coventry.

2 kommentarer:

Arne sa...

Actually, it was 4,7. Svalbard got hit by a 6,2 quake a week ago (the 21st of February).

Eivind sa...

After checking it out now I found it was a 5,2 quake. Although the centre of it was a bit away from here.